CHAP Accreditation Resources 

Accreditation Webinars

Accreditation Resource Documents - All Service Lines

  • Infusion Therapy Document Request List
    This tool provides the Infusion Therapy organization with the information needed to prepare for the accreditation site visit. Each document that will be requested for review by the CHAP Site Visitor is on the checklist. Organizations who utilize the list in preparation and have these documents ready or know where to access them are much less anxious during the site visit.
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  • PD-NJ-HCSF Document Request List
    This tool provides the Health Care Service Firm organization with the information needed to prepare for the accreditation site visit. Each document that will be requested for review by the CHAP Site Visitor is on the checklist. Organizations who utilize the list in preparation and have these documents ready or know where to access them are much less anxious during the site visit.
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  • What to Expect After the Site Visit
    What to expect after your site visit has taken place.
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  • CHAP LinQ User Guide
    Step-by-step instructions for using CHAP LinQ
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  • Education Page FAQs
    CHAP Education page information
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  • CHAP Accreditation Process Overview
    Updated step-by-step guide for agencies seeking accreditation.
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  • Your CHAP Site Visit: What Happens Next?
    This PDF brochure provides information to guide your organization through the CHAP Site Visit and beyond.
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