Infusion Therapy Nursing Standards of Excellence v.1.1.2

  • Registration Closed
CHAP Infusion Therapy Nursing Standards of Excellence are designed for providers to help patients receive critical medications without needing hospitalization. These nurses administer medication in homes, ambulatory care centers, nursing homes or through infusion pharmacy operations, providing support for patients of all ages.

These professionals also ensure better patient care and outcomes through ongoing monitoring and consistent follow-up visits. They need the most up-to-date standards and education to provide the care and quality patients need and expect.

Accreditation through CHAP helps ensure infusion therapy nurses stay abreast of the knowledge and technology they need to deliver the highest quality care throughout a community.

 Note: CHAP has had an address change to Arlington, VA. Updated in standards on 11/4/2020


Infusion Therapy Nursing Standards v.1.1.2
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Open to download resource. pdf (electronic)